Child Growth And Development: Healthy family relationships build maturity

Published on: 2018/09/04

Dr. Kathryn Seifert,  Psychologist 


Parents should be aware of what leads to healthy development in children. Those raised in a healthy, loving environment will develop skills needed to be successful in the world.    Healthy attachments between parents and children will lead to healthy brain development and the ability to attach to others as they grow up.

Children will be able to manage their emotions and behaviors in a healthy way.  Therefore, they will be successful at home and at school.  A harsh upbringing  may  cause trauma for the child and thus, interfere with healthy development of family relationships.  Discipline in childhood needs to be not too lenient, not to harsh and consistent with lots of love and affection for the child.

Interest Category

Child growth and development, Healthy family relationships, Healthcare

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Why is family so important for a child’s growth and development?

Right from the moment when a child is born, it is dependant on the family for so many reasons. Family protects and nurtures a child and form a child’s first relationship. The relationship between parents and children plays a crucial role in building a child’s personality. Good relationships with parents build many positive traits whereas negative relationships can bring about adverse effects in their adulthood.

Importance of healthy family relationship in child growth and development

A healthy family relationship is where everyone feels connected to one another and it is where children feel safe. There may be minor conflicts in family rules, household chores, minor frictions between the family members. How positively we handle these conflicts builds positive relationships. This strong and positive relationship provides a supported and trusted surrounding for children.

The family relationships characterized by trust, respect, love, happiness and mutual satisfaction is the base for the psychological well being of a child.  Having people who care for the child, help to relieve stress when things get difficult. Positive surroundings provide children to generate new ideas, handle any issues, share their feelings, and provide emotional support. If a child is surrounded by negative emotions like envy, lack of trust, jealousy, violence, and conflicts, this may adversely affect the individual’s well being and the quality of life. Positive relationships both physical and emotional development of a child.

Benefits of a healthy family

  1. Character – forming a strong moral character depends on a healthy family relationship. Having a family that nurtures children with the values, discipline, and behavior helps the overall growth of a child’s character.
  2. Health – children with positive family relationships are less likely to have eating disorders. Parents who provide healthy and nutritious food and encourages physical activities, build strong families.

Important tips for a healthy family relationship

Since a healthy family relationship is key for child growth and development. It is important to know how can one provide it. These are some important tips that can help you:

  1. Work-life balance

With both the parents busy with work, they hardly find time for children every day. This pushes children to resort to televisions or tabs. The interaction between the family members gets reduced if children are addicted to gadgets. Adjusting the work schedules to improve human interaction and physically engaging children after school plays a key to building a healthy family.

  1. Play-time

Parents should give scope for children to interact with other children in their community. Play-time is very important for child growth and development. Playing helps a child to learn good behavior. Parents should encourage children to have play-time every day.

Read more – Dr. Kathryn Seifert explains the of a healthy family and how healthy family relationships build maturity